Construction Updates & Information
Information about ongoing construction projects in the community.
Sunset Ridge Siphon Installation
Project Information
Newest Update
July 26, 2023
We apologize for the Sunset Ridge fountain not being operational at this time. Upon investigation, Melcor has been notified that the pump is broken and a new one has been ordered. We thank you for your patience currently and will provide an update on the status of the repair in the coming weeks. Thank you,Melcor Community
Previous Updates
June 5, 2023
Attention, Residents of Sunset Ridge, We would like to inform you that there are cattle grazing to the east of Sunset Ridge. This notice is to ensure that everyone is aware of the farmers nearby and for residents to be respectful to not fold back wire leaving the perimeter fence open to residential areas. During this time, it is important to exercise caution and respect the boundaries set by landowners in this area as well for the well-being of the cattle. It is also essential to keep pets on a leash and under control to avoid any disturbances or accidents. Thank you for your attention, and together, let's support responsible land management practices for the benefit of our community and environment. Thank you,Melcor Community
May 9, 2023
Paving of the new Sunset Ridge Pathway will begin this month. Over the next few weeks, the area behind Sunset View will be temporarily closed for construction and paving.We look forward to opening the pathway soon as paving is completed, scheduled for May 30, weather and conditions permitting. Thank you for your patience during this closure to accommodate the final stages of construction. For updates on completion, visit
August 12, 2022
We are pleased to announce that in partnership with the Town of Cochrane, we are moving forward to build a paved pathway along the road that was used for the siphon drilling. Please see the attached map to view the alignment behind homes on Sunset View. As noted in the previous update, The Town of Cochrane requested that we review building a paved pathway as an option to reclaim the temporary road. Building a paved pathway here is a great use of the temporary road and will be a lasting amenity for residents for years to come. Thank you for your patience while the details were worked out. The Pinnacle trail work has begun the week of August 8. It is expected that the paved pathway will begin construction the week of August 22 and last 6 to 8 weeks. (weather and conditions permitting). Please note that for safety the area will remain closed during pathway construction and will reopen fully once this work is complete. Should you have any questions or concerns, please email
July 29, 2022 We are working with the Town of Cochrane to explore options to install a paved pathway as part of the rehabilitation of the construction access road. This pathway is proposed to replace the existing informal path that exists along the back of lots on Sunset View. More time is needed to confirm it is feasible to include this pathway with the rehabilitation work that needs to be completed. We hope this delay will be of added benefit to residents in the long run and we appreciate your patience as the final details are formalized. Pathways will remain closed due to ongoing construction completion for safety reasons. We are targeting to release an update in mid-August on the pathway rehab timing. The grading of the Pinnacle has begun on July 19. This grading work is expected to last approximately 6 weeks – weather permitting. The siphon tie-ins are scheduled to begin the first week of August. This work is expected to last approximately two weeks.
June 29, 2022
Melcor Developments Ltd will be starting grading work for the Sunset Ridge Pinnacle. During this construction, we will be hauling fill material to the site. You will notice trucks on your street moving this material. Hauling will take place between the hours of 7 AM - 8 PM, Monday through Saturday, from August 10. This will last for approximately 4 weeks weather permitting. Please see the attached map for the truck route. Truck drivers will be briefed daily on the 30 KM/h speed limit and the need to inspect tarps and ties before accessing public roadways. Radar speed signs will be in place as per the map for the duration of hauling and street sweepers will clean the streets regularly to ensure the roads remain free of dirt and debris.Ongoing project updates are available at
June 10, 2022
We are pleased to announce that the 24 hour, 7 day a week directional drilling has been completed. Thank you to residents in the area for your patience during this construction.
What is the siphon project?
We are installing stormwater and wastewater siphons across the ravine east of Sunset View to service the future Pinnacle of Sunset Ridge development on the east side of the ravine. A siphon is used as part of a wastewater collection system to go under obstructions such as rivers or across areas like ravines. The siphon connects to the collection system on either side and uses the build-up of water pressure to push the water from the upstream end to the downstream end.
Why was the siphon option chosen? And how was the route determined?
We considered alternative options like a new storm pond and wastewater trunk within the valley during the Sunset Ridge Stage 2 Neighborhood Plan process. It was determined these options were not feasible due to their construction requirements and environmental impacts. Even though the siphon is not the most cost-effective option, it is the least disruptive to the natural environment. See Siphon Location Plan, below.
What did the Town of Cochrane look at when approving the siphon installation project?
The Town used the following principles to evaluate the project: • Protection of an environmentally sensitive landscape – This area is widely recognized as both an important and pristine environmental landscape within Sunset Ridge, adjacent to the Cochrane Ranche. In accordance with the Cochrane Community Vision, these landscapes that characterize our community are to be preserved and protected. Therefore, Administration was unwilling to consider any proposals that did not protect this area, as well as the interests of our community and its residents. • Reduced overall construction timeline & inconveniences to residents – With a 24-hour operation the project timeline for this construction would be reduced significantly from over 60 days to 30 days. Furthermore, by completing this work throughout the late winter and spring months, the area could be rehabilitated and restored for community use in the Spring of 2022. • Construction Best Practice – Understanding that it would not be possible to proceed with a more traditional construction trench for this infrastructure across a sensitive landscape, a 24-hour horizontal directional drilling procedure is proposed. This approach would minimize ground disturbance to a small area that would later be restored and that would ultimately deliver the required connections to support the future development of the southeast portion of Sunset Ridge. From an environmental and geotechnical perspective, the proposed directional drilling program is recognized as a best practice to minimize impacts to this area. • Sunset Ridge Stage 2 Area Structure Plan (2012) – The sanitary and stormwater siphons proposed for construction were outlined in the Stage 2 ASP adopted by Council in 2012. For more information, please visit • Recent Experience with the TC Energy Project – During the West Pathway Pipeline upgrade, a similar approach was utilized with sound attenuation fencing and a 24-hour drilling program. This project provided excellent results for our community with few disruptions or concerns. For more information about Town growth policies and plans visit
What are the construction plan and timelines?
Timeline Update:
Stage 1 – Construction of Access Routes and Site Preparation – Complete
Stage 2 – Trail Closures (limited reopening) – Ongoing
Stage 3 – 24 Hour, 7 Days/Week Direction Drilling – Complete
Stage 4 – Siphon Tie-in and Construction Completion – Delayed due to contractor availability, starting August 2022
Stage 5 – Rehabilitation of Areas to Natural State – Delayed, starting August 2022See Trail Master Plan, below to view trail realignment. Other WorkMay 2022 – Grading will occur on the east side for future development of The Pinnacle community and erosion control measures will remain in place until development occurs.
What are you doing to reduce the impact on residents with 24-hour drilling and construction?

Figure 1.0 - Sample of Sound Attenuation Fencing
What are you doing to protect the environment?
Temporary disturbances to the land and environment are required to access drilling sites. All drilling fluids used during the drilling operations are environmentally friendly. Erosion control measures will be in place to protect the existing natural terrain, and we will rehabilitate all work areas back to their original conditions.
What will happen to the bird houses?
A local resident has crafted birdhouses that are located along a fence which is the west boundary of our lands. These birdhouses are a unique feature to this area. It is our intention that these will remain in place. The barbed wire will be removed from the fence during the trail rehab work but the posts will remain in place along with the birdhouses.
How will the trail systems be impacted?
We are in the process of developing our new community, The Pinnacle Estates at Sunset Ridge. The lots for this community overlap with the current trail system located on private property and need to be realigned to the edge of the new community. To facilitate the realignment of the trail network, the trails will be closed in the area. Sunset Properties Inc. (managed by Melcor) is working with Bike Cochrane and the Town of Cochrane to create a formalized trail system that will realign trails for better connectivity, safety, and sustainability for residents to enjoy. Trail work is being undertaken as early as possible to allow for the reopening of trails for the summer months. Some will be realigned, and new trails will be added, along with additional lookout points and interpretive signage. For updates visit
What pathway alternatives do I have?
The existing pathways within the environmental area between Ranche Rd and the construction area, and into the environmental reserve on the southeast side will remain open for use. See the Trail Closure Plan, below.
What public consultation has taken place?
Melcor hosted public engagement sessions for the servicing design as part of the approval process for the Sunset Ridge Stage 2 Neighborhood Plan. The construction and siphon installation project were part of this process.
Other work in the area - this work is now complete.
Loam: We have received questions about trucks spreading loam in a farmer’s field to the east of Sunset Ridge (behind Sundown View). This is not construction work related to development in Sunset Ridge and is not related to the Siphon project. The landowner was spreading loam on his property earlier this year in May, and this work is now complete. Grading in the Stage 3 Lands: Pregrading in on Stage 3 lands is ongoing and expected to be complete mid-June.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about the project or area land development, please contact Ruth Price, Project Coordinator, Melcor Developments at 403-270-1288 or email If you have any concerns about operations at the worksites, please contact Volker Stevin at 403-816-7831. Melcor Developments Ltd.
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Visual References & Maps

Trails Master Plan